Remote Action Execution

Allows you to run any Tasker action on a different (remote) device.

Important Concepts

When you set up Remote Action Execution Tasker will register itself with Firebase Cloud Messaging and upload your FCM Token to Google Drive.

Your other devices can then run tasks on that device by using the Remote Device field in compatibe actions.

How To Set Up Remote Action Execution

  1. Create Google Cloud Service Account With Correct Permissions and get the Google Cloud Service Account File
  2. Add Firebase to your project and get the Google Cloud Firebase File
  3. Provide Tasker With the Downloaded Files
  4. Test Remote Execution


Why am I getting the SENDER_ID_MISMATCH error after setting up my devices?
That error means that you're using different Google Cloud projects on your devices. All your devices must use the same exact 2 Google Cloud files. To fix follow these steps: