Get Screen Info (Assistant)

Gets various visible and invisible info about the currently opened screen on your device.

The %ai_texts variable will contain a JSON Array structure (note: you can read JSON natively in Tasker) where every element usually just has a text field. In some cases (like if you use this action while Chrome is open) you might get and extras field with some more info as well.

Here's an excerpt of what you might get if you use this action while Chrome is open:

		"text": "Tasker Share"
		"text": "Report"
		"text": "Last Modified: 2022-04-05 16:57:30"
		"text": "Counter Test"
		"extras": {
			"htmlTag": "a",
			"display": "inline",
			"href": "/?user\...",
			"target": "_blank"
		"text": "Other Shares From This User"
		"extras": {
			"htmlTag": "a",
			"display": "inline",
			"href": "/?public",
			"target": "_blank"

The %ai_extras variable can contain arbitrary info that the currently opened app provides in a JSON structure, so it's recommended that, if you're interested in a certain app's extra info, you first try this action while that app is open and use a Text/Image Dialog to show what this variable contains