Simple Match/Regex
Allows you to match some text with an easy to use pattern or with a powerful regex.
Watch a demo here
Allows you to match and extract data from a random piece of text, optionally creating local variables with the data in the process.
Simple Match
Will try to match the input text with the provided simple pattern. For example, if you have
- Text: my name is Tim and I'm 28 years old
- Simple Pattern: my name is $name and I'm #age years old
you'll successfully match the input text and will have 2 variables available in the task:
The Simple Pattern has the following rules:
- it is case-insentive.
- placeholder names as described below can only contain letters. No numbers allowed.
- $variable is used as a placeholder for any random text and will create a variable with that text
- #number is used as a placeholder for any digits and will create a variable with those digits
- you can use just $ or # if you want to add a placeholder for some text that you don't need a variable for. For example, you could match the above sentence with $ name is $name and $ #age years old and it would still work, but it would also work with a sentence like his name is Tim and he's 28 years old
If simple matching is not working for you in a particular situation you can always resort to the power matching language, regex!
Learn more about regex here.
In addition to normal regex rules, if you create a named group like (?<variable>) it'll create a variable with the same name in Tasker (%variable in the example).
General Rules
- Each created variable can also be accessed as an array. In the above example you could also access %name() and %age() for example. This is because you can get multiple matches with just one pattern.
- %mt_match will contain the full matched text that corresponds to the pattern used
- %mt_match_found will contain true if a match and false if not. Can be useful to decide what you want to do in the task depending if the match was successful or not.