Allows configuration of the properties of a scene element. The different types of property are divided into tabs.
Not all elements have all tabs.
Only relevant to Menu and Spinner elements.
Each row configures an item in the menu/spinner. Starting from the left, the controls are:
To add an item, click the plus button at the bottom of the screen. Items can be rearranged and deleted by click-and-dragging at the right hand side.
If you want to use an image for a background, create a separate Image element and place it underneath.
Event tabs stipulate what Tasker should do when the user interacts with the element in some way. When the scene is showing, the event will also occur if an action (probably Element Value) sets the element.
Most events consist only of a task to specify but some allow a filter specification so that the task only runs if the event matches the filter.
To help the task to decide what to do with the event and to allow a single task to handle many different events if desired, Tasker sets certain local variables which give specific information about it. The variables are easily accessible by clicking the usual variable tag icon in any action in the task.
The following variables are available in all such tasks:
This event is triggered whenever the text changes e.g. because a letter key has been pressed while the element had focus.
Text entry is buffered so that it may be up to 1 or 2 seconds before new input is seen, and that input may include several accumulated changes.
This event is triggered when the element gains or loses focus, probably because the user has tapped it or another focusable element.
Elements: TextEditIn a Map element, the following variables are available:
A stroke has two filter parameters.
If either of these parameters don't match the event, the task will not run.
Occurs when a new item is selected.
A Link Tap has two filter parameters:
Elements: Video
Occurs when the state of the video playback changes.
Note that the Finished event will never occur if the Video element
has the Loop
parameter checked.