Release Notes
13/01/2015: v4.6u3
- bugfix: various problems with scene Text elements with HTML formatting specified
- bugfix: plugins: selection problem with multiple versions of a plugin on device
- bugfix: app creation: was dropping GET_TASKS permission prior to Lollipop instead of other way round
- bugfix: action Java Function: bug evaluating java objects as string constants in some cases
- bugfix: non-ASCII characters in some HTML texts on some devices were not displaying correctly
- bugfix: app creation: always need include accessibility service if app context present (in case running on Lollipop)
- added: recommended plugin action/event: Synchronize Ultimate
- change: task edit: improved efficiency of display updates when testing task without stepping
05/01/2015: v4.6u2
- bugfix: cell tower detection when off: attempted improvement when using new cell API
- bugfix: removed spurious Java warning when evaluating certain conditions
- bugfix: action Perform Task: improved mechanism for submitting new task in queue
- bugfix: timer widget: typed values in number pickers were being ignored
- bugfix: action Tasker / Disable was flashing an error and stopping task (after disabling)
- bugfix: action Java Function: catch attempts to run a function on a null object
- bugfix: task testing: stopping a tested task in middle of Wait exiting, then returning to task edit, task was still showing
- bugfix: action Java Object: wasn't showing object selection icon
- bugfix: action Java Object: had no help text
- bugfix: action Java Function: various problems with inner classes
- bugfix: action Java Function: storing return values in things that were partially (%) variables
- bugfix: scene element Text: links in HTML format weren't clickable
- bugfix: app creation: app context: was including GET_TASKS permission even if min version was set to Lollipop
- bugfix: app creation: app context: was basing need for accessibility service in current device API version instead of min version in kid config
- bugfix: action Morse: improved resource usage
- bugfix: various dev console errors
- bugfix: app creation: various problems with READ_CONTACTS permission related to contacts
- bugfix: app creation: Set Tasker Icon: was not working in many circumstances
- change: Tasks tab in main screen: only show Kill All option when execution service running
- change: refer to Secure Settings for Mobile Data action on Android 5.0+
18/12/2014: v4.6u1
- reeanbled Keyguard option on Lollipop, apparently it works for a lot of people
- fixes for some reported crashes
17/12/2014: v4.6
Android 4.0+ Devices
- support for direct calling of Java functions integrated in normal task flow, see Java in the userguide
- test tasks step-by-step and see status of each action as it completes
- support for interrupt mode on Android 5.0+
- action App / List Apps
- action Script / Java Function, for calling Java functions
- action Script / Java Object, for manipulation of Java objects
- many long selection lists have a filter field
- builtin local var %err (error in last enabled action if set)
- task edit screen: currently executing action and status for past-actions displayed when testing
- task edit screen: step-by-step task execution button
- task tab double-click menu: Kill All option
- monitor notification, set category to service (Lollipop+)
- action Interrupt Mode (Lollipop+)
- variable %UIMODE: watch (Lollipop+)
- Italian translation (not userguide)
- show in profile list whether a profile's tasks are locked or not
- builtin action plugin list, added AutoInput
- action Net / Test Net: support for bluetooth and ethernet
- action list: don't evaluate conditions for disabled actions
- test display res/DPI: was caching values and therefore reporting wrong ones after a display rotation
- %SILENT: report on when device interrupt mode is priority or none (Lollipop+)
- action Element Text with TextEdit element: couldn't set to zero-length
- element Button: labels were all uppercase (Lollipop+)
- task edit: rotation animation for opening/closing blocks was messed up (Lollipop+)
- action Beep: Amplitude parameter was being measured in ms instead of %
- action Show Scene / Continue Task Immediately: when deselected sometimes wasn't respected if scene was hidden
- action List Files: using root, if the dir wasn't reachable without root in pre-check would fail
- Userguide / Variables / Scene Local: behaviour was incorrectly documented
- swiping Tasker from recent apps list was closing the list (Lollipop+)
- when task was locked in UI, could be accessed via profile list without entering code if profile was locked
- Test Net: needed permission was missing in exported apps
- displayed scenes weren't generating accessibility events (e.g. for %WIN, Event / Button Widget)
- action JavaScript(let): replace variables in Libraries parameter
- action category Script -> Code
- plugin actions/events/states are grouped per plugin app
- action Run Shell: result code is stored in %err (if not 0) (and previously specified for backwards compatibility)
- refreshed French, Spanish and Simplified Chinese translations
- switched app detection to using an Accessibility Service please enable Tasker's service in Android Accessibility settings (Lollipop+)
- action Take Call: not available on Lollipop+ (Google not granting the needed permission)
- action Keyguard: apparently causing blackouts (Lollipop+)
- change: when EditActivity has both state and event filters, default to event when receiving REQUEST_QUERY
- added: TaskerPlugin: RESULT_CODE_FAILED and RESULT_CODE_CANCELLED appear in %err so user can handle them
- added: TaskerPlugin: Setting.RESULT_CODE_FAILED_PLUGIN_FIRST: start numbering custom error codes from there (to appear in %err)
- added: TaskerPlugin: Setting.VARNAME_ERROR_MESSAGE