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Release Notes

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v6.3.13 - 2024/07/23


  • Fixed profile conditions not working in certain situations
  • Fixed %SCREEN variable not working in some situations
  • Fixed Kid Apps not asking for all file permissions
  • Fixed New UI Dialog colors in some situations

v6.3.12 - 2024/07/18



  • Made Wifi and Bluetooth actions use the Device Owner permission if available so no Tasker Settings, Root or ADB Wifi is needed
  • Made Kill App action use the Device Owner permission if available so no root or ADB Wifi is needed
  • Made global variables that belong to the same project as the one you're editing to appear first in the Variable Select dialog (before all other user Global Variables)
  • Made license checking less strict so you can use Tasker offline for longer periods
  • Made Timeout work for all types in Pick Input Dialog action
  • Don't show "Schedule Exact Alarm" as a permission when importing stuff
  • Don't show unnecessary warning when using file image in Notify icon
  • Made Reset Error Notifications also reset some Stop Reminding dialogs
  • Made Tasker ignore its own notifications earlier on in the process so less stuff runs on each Tasker notification
  • Changed how HTTP Request action detects the encoding of downloaded text so hopefully it gets it right more often
  • Removed some unneeded data when using the Compact Exports setting
  • Made Tasker ignore plugin requests if disabled
  • Made Tasker not post the Tasker Disabled notification if not needed (it was posting it too many times)
  • Automatically add separators and remove parenthesis when you use the variable select dialog in the Array Merge and List Dialog actions
  • Allow Tasker Block pin to be entered right away when it shows up (input box gets focus right away) and user can use soft-keyboard Enter key to submit
  • If Tasker is disabled do less things in the background


  • Fixed Power State in some recent Samsung devices
  • Fixed long standing issue where some actions could get stuck while running at the same time as certain other actions
  • Attempt at working around an issue with Samsung's OneUI 6.1 where a Tasker widget isn't shown
  • Fixed issue when enabling the Reset Return Value option in the Perform Task action with a Global variable
  • Fixed issue that asked for Tasker Settings to be installed (if not already) when disabling Tasker
  • Fixed issue where sometimes Project/Profile/Task variables would revert after saving the current Tasker setup
  • Fixed icon to select color in the in Image Select Dialog
  • Fixed how setting haptic feedback works in some situations
  • Fixed only setting a default content type in the HTTP Request action when the user didn't already specify a content-type themselves
  • Fixed showing too many unneeded task references when deleting a project
  • Fixed using the Search feature in the Task Edit screen
  • Fixed javascript in situations where the word dialog was being used in the script
  • Fixed Only New option in Notification event condition
  • Fixed getting correct file permissions in some situations when using Pick Input Dialog
  • Fixed Media Button state causing buttons to be grabbed even if other condition in same profile was not active
  • Fixed some crashes when running certain Javascript scripts
  • Fixed getting item index in array in certain situations
  • Fixed Tick event sometimes not stopping to trigger when Tasker is disabled
  • Fixed issue with automatically calling some phone numbers with # or * in them
  • Fixed issue where using Read File to a project/profile/task variable wasn't working
  • Fixed crash when using very large images in Text/Image Dialog
  • Fixed bug related to using Query Next Alarm action
  • Fixed message that mentioned an invalid vibration in certain situations
  • Fixed message when trying to use the Flash action with the Show Over Everything option enabled but when the user has the Tasker Accessibility Service disabled
  • Fixed using maths in Multiple Variables Set action in certain situations
  • Fixed %UIMODE when connecting to Android Auto
  • Fixed Run Shell action not setting %err if it ended in error
  • Fixed warning when trying to use the Mobile Data action if Tasker already has the WRITE_SECURE_SETTING permission
  • Fixed editing text inputs in new Tasker UI when entering text not in the last cursor position
  • Fixed not clearing output arrays in Google Drive actions before setting them in some situations
  • Fixed showing code input dialog every single time when entering the Running Tasks screen
  • Fixed Some events like Secondary App or Music Track Changed not working in Android 10 or below
  • Fixed Logcat with ADB Wifi triggering at inappropriate times sometimes
  • Fixed some task variables not updating correctly if user doesn't apply Tasker setup after creating a new variable
  • Fixed Add option in Set Clipboard action in some situations
  • Fixed sometimes Tasker asking for the unlock code even if it was already unlocked
  • Fixed issue that sometimes project/profile/task variables would be cleared after exporting
  • Fixed issue with creating home screen shortcuts where it sometimes said data was blocked
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the OK button wouldn't appear on the very first page when opening Tasker for the very first time
  • Fixed issue where certain events/states didn't work with project/profile/task variables
  • Fixed issue where sometimes a task variable's value could be deleted if you ran a task in certain circumstances
  • Fixed issue where sometimes a warning toast would show its text truncated
  • Fixed setting widget icon from a direct http URL
  • Fixed bug where Sound Mode wasn't being restored if Restore Settings was enabled on a profile
  • Fixed bug where if a variable name started with %caller it couldn't be used as a passthrough variable in Return actions
  • Fixed bug where action Set Variable Structure Type wasn't working with arrays
  • Fixed crash when searching inside a task in certain situations
  • Fixed checking for dependent tasks when deleting a task in certain situations
